In English after each paragraph
On passera rapidement sur la route à quatre voies quasiment en ligne droite qui nous conduira dans la magnifique région de La Cappadoce distante de 235 kms. Précisons tout de même que c'est sous le ciel bleu et une température de 35 degrés que nous avons la nuit, mais quoi de nouveau on a oublié les grands froids canadiens et le ciel incertain.
Nothing special about the double lane road almost straight that will take us to the beautiful region of Cappadocia 235 kms away from Konya. Just a note that we still have a bright blue sky and 35 degrees at night, but what else is new. I guess we have forgotten the Canadian cold and its uncertain sky.
La Cappadoce est une région en plein milieu de l'Anatolie centrale, un plateau situé à 1000 mètres d'altitude. On a eu beau chercher la fraîcheur, rien à faire ( lol ). Paysages superbes et insolites, ici, la lumière changeante se mêle à la beauté du site. Au delà de l'attrait de la nature même, les hommes ont aussi réalisé des œuvres de première importance, cités souterraines, habitations troglodytiques, fresques superbes, églises et monastères. Les premiers chrétiens y ont développé leur culte et pour se protéger des persécutions, ces lieux magiques et arides leur ont apportés un peu de répit.
Cappadoce is a region located in the middle of Central Anatolia at 1000 metres high. We looked for some cold, but we did not find it (LOL). Beautiful and strange landscapes here and the changing light adds to the beauty of the site. Apart from the natural wonders, man has also built many important landmarks here such as underground cities, troglodytic dwellings, superb frescoes, churches and monasteries. The first Christians developed their cult around here and to protect themselves from being persecuted, these magical sites gave them a break.
Ça, c'était pour la région en général. Notre base de séjour restera Goreme, c'est central et bien pratique pour les randos. Nous, on l'a déjà baptisé le village des schtroumpfs à cause de ses cheminées de fée toutes creusées de cavités souvent restaurées et transformées en chambre d'hôte...le lieu est mondialement connu et les turcs qui sont des hommes d'affaires avisés ont sorti le grand jeu pour profiter de cette manne. Tout y est, montgolfières, quads, scooters, vélos, chevaux, etc, et bien sur le tout a un prix touristique plutôt que sympathique. Allez, on se rassure, on est encore des prix pratiqués sur la côte niçoise ou dans le sud de la France en général.
This was for the region in general. Our base will be Goreme: Central and convenient for hiking. We have baptized it the Schmurfs' village because of the fairy chimneys very often restored and transformed in guest houses... this site is known worldwide and Turkish people are savvy business persons who have done what is necessary to take advantage of tourism. Everything is here : air balloons, off-road vehicles, scooters, bicycles, horses, etc and of course at a touristic price rather than a sympathetic price. However, it is still much cheaper than Nice or the South of France, in general.
Photo de notre hotel et de notre chambre dans le village des Stroumphs!
Picture of our hotel in the Smurfs' hotel!
Et quelques photos de la region
And a few pictures of the area
This was for the region in general. Our base will be Goreme: Central and convenient for hiking. We have baptized it the Schmurfs' village because of the fairy chimneys very often restored and transformed in guest houses... this site is known worldwide and Turkish people are savvy business persons who have done what is necessary to take advantage of tourism. Everything is here : air balloons, off-road vehicles, scooters, bicycles, horses, etc and of course at a touristic price rather than a sympathetic price. However, it is still much cheaper than Nice or the South of France, in general.
Photo de notre hotel et de notre chambre dans le village des Stroumphs!
Picture of our hotel in the Smurfs' hotel!
Et quelques photos de la region
And a few pictures of the area
Pour finir sur le sujet qui mérite bien plus que ces quelques lignes, La Cappadoce restera un temps fort dans l'espace immense de nos souvenirs ( Mmmm, c'est pas mal dit ça ).
To end on this subject, Cappadoce will remain a Wow moment for us in the immensity of our souvenirs (Mmmm, well said this, lol)
To end on this subject, Cappadoce will remain a Wow moment for us in the immensity of our souvenirs (Mmmm, well said this, lol)
Vous n'aurez sûrement pas remarqué mais j'aurais pu vous parler de fiente de pigeon, le meilleur engrais naturel mais là, on est dans la merde, ni non plus de vin et pourtant, les Hattis et les Hittites qui peuplaient l'Anatolie 3000 ans av J.C figurent parmi les premiers vignerons de l'humanité et utilisaient le vin comme boisson sacrée lors des cérémonies. La conservation était assurée par des jarres entreposées dans la fraîcheur des grottes. Cette culture ou tradition se perpétua par les chrétiens qui se cachèrent en Cappadoce. Dernier point, la vigne était cultivée à même le sol ( comme les fraisiers ) et cette tradition perdure encore de nos jours.
Et voilà, c'est fini...promis...juré.
You may not have noticed but I haven't talked about pigeons' ''puh'', the best natural fertilizer but then we are in sh... I have not talked about wine either. However, Hattis and Hittites who were living in Anatolia 3000 years ago were the first wine makers of humanity and used the wine as a sacred drink during ceremonies. They were keeping the wine in the caves. This tradition was maintained by Christians who were hiding in Cappadoce. The vines were cultivated directly on the floor (like strawberries) and this tradition is still being done this way today.
Now, I am done, promised!
You may not have noticed but I haven't talked about pigeons' ''puh'', the best natural fertilizer but then we are in sh... I have not talked about wine either. However, Hattis and Hittites who were living in Anatolia 3000 years ago were the first wine makers of humanity and used the wine as a sacred drink during ceremonies. They were keeping the wine in the caves. This tradition was maintained by Christians who were hiding in Cappadoce. The vines were cultivated directly on the floor (like strawberries) and this tradition is still being done this way today.
Now, I am done, promised!
C'est Francoise maintenant qui prend le relais. Mon trop modeste mari est aussi un Heros! Lors de l'une de nos randos, il a secouru un Franco-Canadien (fallait quand meme le faire), Max, qui venait de débuter ses vacances en Turquie deux jours auparavant. Max faisait une rando tout seul et s'est mal réceptionne sur un pied en voulant redescendre d'une colline. Mais Pompom, comme d'habitude, a été a la hauteur de la tache et après avoir laisse Max claudiquer sur un pied pendant quelques centaines de metres, il le prit vaillamment a bigote sous une chaleur accablante. Il faut le dire! En tout cas, Max était courageux aussi. Il continuait a faire la conversation alors que nous l'avons appris plus tard, il s'est fait une fracture du calcaneol. Heureusement, il a une bonne assurance et fut rapatrié dans les 24 heures a Marseille d'ou il est originaire. Bon retablissement, Max!
It's now Francoise speaking. My husband, always the modest one, is also a Hero! During one of our hike, he gave assistance to a Franco-Canadian (the world is small), Max, who had just started his vacation 2 days before in Turkey. Max was hiking on its own and hurt his feet while climbing down a hill. But Pompom, as usual, was up to the task and after letting Max limp on one foot during a few hundred meters, he carried him on his shoulders under a blazing heat. This had to be said! In all cases, Max was very courageous. He continued to speak when (and we learnt this later) he broke his calcaneol (not sure what this is, but it's in the bottom of the foot). Luckily for him, he has a good travel insurance and was repatriated within 24 hours back to Marseille, where he currently lives. Take care, Max!
It's now Francoise speaking. My husband, always the modest one, is also a Hero! During one of our hike, he gave assistance to a Franco-Canadian (the world is small), Max, who had just started his vacation 2 days before in Turkey. Max was hiking on its own and hurt his feet while climbing down a hill. But Pompom, as usual, was up to the task and after letting Max limp on one foot during a few hundred meters, he carried him on his shoulders under a blazing heat. This had to be said! In all cases, Max was very courageous. He continued to speak when (and we learnt this later) he broke his calcaneol (not sure what this is, but it's in the bottom of the foot). Luckily for him, he has a good travel insurance and was repatriated within 24 hours back to Marseille, where he currently lives. Take care, Max!
Sinon, on ne pouvait pas ne pas gouter a la cuisine locale. J'ai donc essaye le Kuvu Testi Kebabi avec aubergines, agneau, tomates et champignons cuits dans une poterie et cassée devant soi. Un regal!
Otherwise, we would have been foolish not to taste the local cuisine. I have therefore tried the Kuvu Testi Kebabi, eggplants, lamb, tomatoes, mushrooms cooked in a pot and broken in front of you. Delicious!
Otherwise, we would have been foolish not to taste the local cuisine. I have therefore tried the Kuvu Testi Kebabi, eggplants, lamb, tomatoes, mushrooms cooked in a pot and broken in front of you. Delicious!
Finalement, on continue notre voyage dans la bonne humeur et Pompom de temps en temps se prend pour un terrien qui lutte contre des Aliens. Preuve a l'appui en dessous. Il se bat avec un Alien qui veut prendre possession de son corps ! et oui, un rien nous amuse.
In the end, we continue our trip in a very good mood and Pompom from time to time thinks of himself as a human being than needs to fight Aliens. Proof below. He fights against an Alien who wants to possess his body! Yes, we don't need much to have fun.
In the end, we continue our trip in a very good mood and Pompom from time to time thinks of himself as a human being than needs to fight Aliens. Proof below. He fights against an Alien who wants to possess his body! Yes, we don't need much to have fun.
On the Road Again 2...
Ecrit par Alain et Francoise
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