Et c'est l'arrivée à Konya
And we arrive in Konya
En fin d'après-midi, nous arrivons à Konya, une grande ville sainte de plus d'un million d'habitants dite assez conservatrice située au centre des steppes d'Anatolie, à 1000 mètres d'altitude.
We arrive in Konya at the end of the day, a city of over one million inhabitants, fairly conservative and located in the middle of Anatolia at 1000 meters high.
Selon la légende, Konya serait la première ville construite après le déluge. C'est aussi la capitale des derviches tourneurs dont on doit l'existence à Mevlana né en 1207, un poète mystique de culture perse qui disait "plusieurs chemins mènent à Dieu, j'ai choisi celui de la danse et de la musique".
We arrive in Konya at the end of the day, a city of over one million inhabitants, fairly conservative and located in the middle of Anatolia at 1000 meters high.
Selon la légende, Konya serait la première ville construite après le déluge. C'est aussi la capitale des derviches tourneurs dont on doit l'existence à Mevlana né en 1207, un poète mystique de culture perse qui disait "plusieurs chemins mènent à Dieu, j'ai choisi celui de la danse et de la musique".
Donc, Mevlana à l'âge de 37 ans décide de créer la secte des derviches qui sont en fait des religieux musulmans. Ceux-ci s'attelleront d'ailleurs à l'islamisation des chrétiens de l'Anatolie. Leur nom a pour origine le mot persan "darwich" qui signifie pauvre. L'ordre soufi n'est présent que dans 2 villes, Konya et Istanbul. La danse s'appelle le "sema" . Les derviches utilisent la danse pour communiquer avec Dieu. On raconte en effet que Mevlana passant un jour dans le bazar où l'on frappait l'or en cadence, se sentit soudain pris par le rythme. Il se mît à tourner dans un mouvement d'élévation et eut la certitude de se sentir merveilleusement proche de Dieu.
According to the legend, Konya would be the first city created after the Deluge. It's also the capital city of the Whirling Dervishes thanks to Mevlana, a poet born in 1207. He said:'' a few roads lead to God, I have chosen dance and music''. Therefore, Mevlana decide to create the dervishes sect. They will try to bring Islam to Christians in Anatolia. Their name comes for the persian ''harwich'' which means poor. The sufi order is present only in Konya and Istanbul. The dance is called ''sema'' and dervishes use sema to communicate with God. It is said that one day Mevlana who was walking in a bazar heard beating in cadence and started whirling. He was sure that he felt closer to God.
Le tapis rouge symbolise le Coeur et désigne une espace sacre tout comme le tapis de prière des musulmans, oriente vers la Mecque, le centre du monde musulman.
The red carpet is the symbol for the Heart and designates a sacred place such as the praying carpet of muslims, orientated towards Mecca, the center of the Muslim world.
According to the legend, Konya would be the first city created after the Deluge. It's also the capital city of the Whirling Dervishes thanks to Mevlana, a poet born in 1207. He said:'' a few roads lead to God, I have chosen dance and music''. Therefore, Mevlana decide to create the dervishes sect. They will try to bring Islam to Christians in Anatolia. Their name comes for the persian ''harwich'' which means poor. The sufi order is present only in Konya and Istanbul. The dance is called ''sema'' and dervishes use sema to communicate with God. It is said that one day Mevlana who was walking in a bazar heard beating in cadence and started whirling. He was sure that he felt closer to God.
Le tapis rouge symbolise le Coeur et désigne une espace sacre tout comme le tapis de prière des musulmans, oriente vers la Mecque, le centre du monde musulman.
The red carpet is the symbol for the Heart and designates a sacred place such as the praying carpet of muslims, orientated towards Mecca, the center of the Muslim world.
Avec l'instauration de l'Etat laïque en 1924, sectes et confréries religieuses seront interdites.
Le spectacle, certains diront "cérémonie religieuse", est proposé tous les samedis soirs. Fascinante, et d'une grande grâce, la danse accompagnée d'une musique envoûtante est d'une grande beauté. On nous a affirmé que certains allaient jusqu'à s'endormir pendant la cérémonie comme hypnotisés par ces danseurs eux-mêmes entrés dans une transe. Leur corps est là, leur esprit ailleurs.
A voir, vraiment.
In 1924, sects were forbidden in Turkey. The show, some will call it a religious ceremony can be seen every Saturday night. Fascinating and gracious, the dance is worth seing. Some have even told us that some would fall asleep during the dance as if they were hypnotized by these dancers. Their body is here but their mind somewhere else.
To be seen, really!
On the Road Again 2...
Ecrit par Alain - Written by Alain
In 1924, sects were forbidden in Turkey. The show, some will call it a religious ceremony can be seen every Saturday night. Fascinating and gracious, the dance is worth seing. Some have even told us that some would fall asleep during the dance as if they were hypnotized by these dancers. Their body is here but their mind somewhere else.
To be seen, really!
On the Road Again 2...
Ecrit par Alain - Written by Alain
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