Nous sommes donc en route de nouveau vers le Mexique. Huehuetenango restera uniquement une étape, la ville n'a pas grand chose d'attirant. Le lendemain, nous nous réveillons à 5h30, déjeunons à 6h00 et partons vers 7h00. Il nous reste 140 kilomètres avant le passage à la frontière et ensuite il nous restera la route à faire pour rejoindre la ville de San Cristobal De Las Casas au Mexique. La route, la panaméricaine, ressemble à s'y méprendre à tant d'autres au Guatemala. Nous arriverons à la frontière de La Mesilla vers 10 heures, on passe une barrière et c'est le début des formalités. Les guatémaltèques sont souriants et agréables et en quelques minutes c'est chose faite.
We are now on our way back to Mexico. Huehuetango will only be a short stop. The city does not seem to have much to offer for the tourist. The following day, we wake up at 5:30 am, have breakfast at 6am and leave at around 7am. We only have 140 km to ride before the border and then we want to stop at San Cristobal de Las Casas in Mexico. The road, the Panamerican looks like so many others in Guatemala. We will arrive at the border Mesilla at around 10 am. We cross a fence and we start the administrative formalities. The Guatemalan customs officer are smiling, nice and in a few minutes everything is completed.
We are now on our way back to Mexico. Huehuetango will only be a short stop. The city does not seem to have much to offer for the tourist. The following day, we wake up at 5:30 am, have breakfast at 6am and leave at around 7am. We only have 140 km to ride before the border and then we want to stop at San Cristobal de Las Casas in Mexico. The road, the Panamerican looks like so many others in Guatemala. We will arrive at the border Mesilla at around 10 am. We cross a fence and we start the administrative formalities. The Guatemalan customs officer are smiling, nice and in a few minutes everything is completed.
Nous rencontrons 2 voyageuses en motos, 2 américaines sympas, Cookie et Sierra. Sympa de voir des femmes voyager ! Le but ultime de leur voyage sera le Chili. Le temps d'une photo et chacun reprendra le cours de son voyage, nous vers le Mexique et elles vers le Guatemala.
We meet 2 travellers from the US on their motorcycles, Cookie and Sierra. Nice to see some other women travel ! Their goal is to reach Chile. We take a picture and we all head towards our destination, us towards Mexico and them towards Guatemala.
We meet 2 travellers from the US on their motorcycles, Cookie and Sierra. Nice to see some other women travel ! Their goal is to reach Chile. We take a picture and we all head towards our destination, us towards Mexico and them towards Guatemala.
Pour le passage au Mexique, même scénario. En tout, nous aurons passé moins d'une heure pour sortir d'un pays et rentrer dans l'autre. Nous voici en route pour San Cristobal où l'on passera 2 jours. La ville historique est très agréable avec son influence espagnole.
For Mexico, some more formalities. In total, everything done in less than an hour to get out of one country and enter the other one. We head towards San Cristobal where we will spend 2 days. The historical town with its Spanish influence is really pleasant.
For Mexico, some more formalities. In total, everything done in less than an hour to get out of one country and enter the other one. We head towards San Cristobal where we will spend 2 days. The historical town with its Spanish influence is really pleasant.
On décide de faire cirer nos bottes de moto et les miennes ont besoin d'une réparation. Total: A peine C$ 10.00... et en plus, ensuite, elles sont comme neuves!
We decide to have our motorcycle boots shined and mine need some repair. Total: not quite C$ 10.00... and they are like brand new !
We decide to have our motorcycle boots shined and mine need some repair. Total: not quite C$ 10.00... and they are like brand new !
Point de vue sur la ville - From the ''Mirador'', view on the city |
Sur le marché - On the market |
Aujourd'hui, le vendredi 12 avril, nous décidons d'aller visiter un village situé à 2300 mètres d'altitude au nom de San Juan De Chamula.
Today, Friday, April 12, we decide to go and visit San Juan de Chamula (2300 meters).
Today, Friday, April 12, we decide to go and visit San Juan de Chamula (2300 meters).
Tous les ans, les habitants des montagnes de la communauté tzotzil (maya) se rejoignent ici pour célébrer pendant la semaine sainte des rites dont la signification n'appartient qu'à eux. Pas de police d'état ni fédérale ni d'armée, le respect de la loi et des traditions se fait par la population et attention il est très recommandé de respecter certaines règles comme ne pas photographier les processions, l'intérieur de l'église de San Juan Bautista sous peine de se faire détruire sa caméra ou appareil photo ou même de finir en prison...
Every year, the moutain people from the tzotzil communauty (maya) come here to celebrate Easter with some rites, whose meanings are a bit obscure for us. No state police, no army here. Respecting the law and traditions is done by the population itself. Everyone must respect some rules such as not taking any pictures of any procession, the inside of the San Juan Bautista church. If you are caught, you run the risk of having your camera destroyed or even end up in jail...
Comme beaucoup de marchés typiques, on y vend des fruits, des légumes, des poissons, avec en plus ici, de la laine d'agneau noire, etc. Cette laine noire servira pour fabriquer des habits tels des jupes portées par les femmes. Des jupes noires sans élégance (selon nos standards) tout en laine brute, du moins ça en a l'apparence et qui donnent chaud rien qu'à les regarder. C'est vrai qu'ici, nous sommes en altitude et que dès le soleil couché, les températures chutent.
Like many typical markets, fruits, vegetables, fish and here, in addition, black sheep wool is being sold. This black wool will be used to make the skirts worn by women. They are not very elegant (by our standards), all in raw wool, (it looks like that), and just by looking at them, you feel warm. Let's not forget that we are in altitude here and when the sun goes down, so does the temperature
Like many typical markets, fruits, vegetables, fish and here, in addition, black sheep wool is being sold. This black wool will be used to make the skirts worn by women. They are not very elegant (by our standards), all in raw wool, (it looks like that), and just by looking at them, you feel warm. Let's not forget that we are in altitude here and when the sun goes down, so does the temperature
Photos du marché ci-dessous:
Pictures of the market below:
Pictures of the market below:
Les hommes, eux, portent surtout des vestes/gilets en laine blanche, sans manches. Les vêtements traditionnels en général sont magnifiques tant chez les femmes que chez les hommes.
The men wear mainly sleeveless white jackets. The traditional clothes are as magnificient for women as for men.
The men wear mainly sleeveless white jackets. The traditional clothes are as magnificient for women as for men.
La visite de l'église de San Juan Bautista est possible moyennant finance mais interdiction absolue de faire des photos et croyez moi, il faut mieux respecter cet impératif. Tout ici est une question de respect et de tradition. Dommage du point de vue photo parce que l'intérieur est incroyable et en quelques phrases, je vais essayer de vous faire partager notre expérience. Si l'extérieur est joliment peint, l'intérieur est quasiment son contraire.
The visit of the San Juan Bautista Church is possible if you pay, but it is absolutely forbidden to take any pictures and believe me, you'd better obey this. It's all a question of respect and tradition. It's too bad because the interior of the church is quite incredible. I am going to try and share our experience in a few sentences. If the exterior is quite exquisite, the interior is quite the opposite.
The visit of the San Juan Bautista Church is possible if you pay, but it is absolutely forbidden to take any pictures and believe me, you'd better obey this. It's all a question of respect and tradition. It's too bad because the interior of the church is quite incredible. I am going to try and share our experience in a few sentences. If the exterior is quite exquisite, the interior is quite the opposite.
À l'intérieur, c'est presque l'obscurité. Pas de bancs, pas de sièges, pas d'or, pas grand chose avec nos églises traditionnelles, seulement des locaux assis par terre, quelquefois en famille, quelquefois seuls sur le sol couvert d'aiguilles de pin. Le long des murs, des sculptures de saints sont alignés les uns à côté des autres. Des centaines de bougies de couleurs différentes sont allumées un peu partout, sur des autels ou à même le sol. Elles ont leur signification en fonction de la gravité du problème à régler. C'est très enfumé et l'odeur de l'encens flotte aussi dans l'air. On y sert des boissons: du coca, de la bière et de l'eau de vie. Les locaux viennent faire le point avec leur saint préféré et c'est aussi quelquefois que ça donne lieu avec des discussions à sens unique, des discussions animées où le saint invoqué se fait engueuler parce que la ou les demandes faites un an plus tôt n'ont pas abouties.
Inside, it's almost dark. No benches, no seats, no gold, it doesn't look like any of our traditional churches. Only local people sitting on the floor covered with pine needles, sometimes with their family, sometimes alone. Along the walls, the sculpture of saints are aligned. Hundreds of candles with different colours are lighted almost everywhere, on the altars or directly on the ground.The colour of the candle has a different signification depending on the seriousness of the problem to be solved. There is a lot of smoke as well as a smell of incense. Drinks are being served : coke, bear and schapps. The locals debate with their preferred saint and it looks like a one way conversation. The conversations are quite animated when the requests of the previous year have not been accomplished.
Inside, it's almost dark. No benches, no seats, no gold, it doesn't look like any of our traditional churches. Only local people sitting on the floor covered with pine needles, sometimes with their family, sometimes alone. Along the walls, the sculpture of saints are aligned. Hundreds of candles with different colours are lighted almost everywhere, on the altars or directly on the ground.The colour of the candle has a different signification depending on the seriousness of the problem to be solved. There is a lot of smoke as well as a smell of incense. Drinks are being served : coke, bear and schapps. The locals debate with their preferred saint and it looks like a one way conversation. The conversations are quite animated when the requests of the previous year have not been accomplished.
On y sacrifie des poules, on verse de la bière par terre, des œufs sont aussi posés sur le sol, tout un spectacle. Notre compréhension se limitera malheureusement à ce que nous verrons.
Chickens are killed, beer is poured on the floor and eggs are also on the floor. We don't understand everything that is happening.
Ce village restera un moment marquant de notre séjour dans cette région reculée du Mexique. Tous les jours, nous mesurons la chance que nous avons de vivre des expériences assez uniques...ça existe encore et c'est tant mieux que le tourisme de masse n'est pas arrivé encore à tout défigurer.
Visiting this village is quite a unique experience. Every day, we appreciate the chance we have to live some unique experiences. Happy to see that mass tourism is not quite everywhere.
Visiting this village is quite a unique experience. Every day, we appreciate the chance we have to live some unique experiences. Happy to see that mass tourism is not quite everywhere.
Départ de San Cristobal De Las Casas pour Tuxtla Gutierrez et aller voir le Canon del Sumidero.
We leave San Cristobal de Las Casas and arrive in Tuxtla Gutierrez to go see the Canon del Sumidero.
We leave San Cristobal de Las Casas and arrive in Tuxtla Gutierrez to go see the Canon del Sumidero.
La Rivière Grijalva coule à travers le Chiapas, incluant les 13 km du canyon, du sud au nord, puis vers Tabasco avant de se déverser dans la rivière Usumacinta.
The Grijalva river flows through Chiapas, including the 13-km length of the canyon, from south to north, then on
to Tabasco before it empties into the Usumacinta River.
Une autre très jolie balade - Another great short ride ! |
Il fait chaud ! It's hot ! 37 ! |
Huatulco sur la côte pacifique avant de rejoindre le lendemain Puerto Escondido, un ancien village de pêcheurs de nos jours transformé en version station balnéaire. Puerto Escondido est surtout reconnu parmi les surfeurs, c'est l'une des 10 meilleures places au monde pour pratiquer le surf et ce, surtout en octobre/novembre où les vents de mer aident à créer des vagues de catégorie mondiale. La mer sans être chaude est actuellement très supportable pour des baignades de longue durée pour se rafraîchir. La température voisine facilement dans les 30 degrés et au-dessus.
Huatulco, on the Pacific Coast before going the following day to Puerto Escondido, a former village of fishermen, now looking more like a resort. Puerto Escondido is famous for surfers. It's supposed to be one of the 10th most best place to surf, especially in October and November when the wind helps create world class waves. The water is not that hot, but nice nevertheless. The temperature is around 30 degrees.
Huatulco, on the Pacific Coast before going the following day to Puerto Escondido, a former village of fishermen, now looking more like a resort. Puerto Escondido is famous for surfers. It's supposed to be one of the 10th most best place to surf, especially in October and November when the wind helps create world class waves. The water is not that hot, but nice nevertheless. The temperature is around 30 degrees.
Depuis le 12 avril , c'est le temps des vacances pour les mexicains, plus de monde mais sans plus.
Le soleil ayant fait son effet, nous en profitons pour rester à notre hôtel au bord de la piscine pour nous mettre à jour dans notre blogue, nos comptes, nos emails, etc.
Since April 12, 2019, it's vacation time for the Mexicans, more people around but still okay. We have had enough sun for today and we take some time off in our hotel on the side of the pool to update our blog, our accounts, our emails, etc...
Since April 12, 2019, it's vacation time for the Mexicans, more people around but still okay. We have had enough sun for today and we take some time off in our hotel on the side of the pool to update our blog, our accounts, our emails, etc...
''Vous nagez bien, Chef !'' |
On finit la soirée avec un cocktail de crevettes ! We finish the day by a Shrimp Cocktail ! |
Demain, mercredi 17 avril, nous prendrons la route pour Oaxaca, une distance de 300 kilomètres qui devrait être prometteuse en nombre de virages, de montées et de descentes.
Oaxaca est à une altitude de 1557 mètres.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 17, we will head to Oaxaca, about 300 kms and we have been told to expect many curves, ups and downs. Oaxaca is located at 1557 meters high
Oaxaca est à une altitude de 1557 mètres.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 17, we will head to Oaxaca, about 300 kms and we have been told to expect many curves, ups and downs. Oaxaca is located at 1557 meters high
On the Road Again 3...
Ecrit par Alain
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