Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Vancouver, BC - Canada (July 19-21, 2011)

Vancouver brings back many memories to both Alain and myself. This is the place where we chose to immigrate in Canada in 1988. We will always remember our arrival at Vancouver airport on June 4, 1988 with a clear blue sky and a great temperature. Awesome for 2 relatively young people to see the mountains in the back and then, the ocean !

This time, when we arrived on July 19th, 2011, via Whistler, we were slightly moved. We found a campground on the North Shore, very close to the highway, actually any closer and we would have ended up on the pavement!
It is obviously noisy but nothing will affect our mood, not the noise and not the rain. After all, the train does not whistle here and it's not pouring cats and dogs. The temperature is mild at 20 degrees. So we are back tracking our steps in Vancouver, we ride with our motorcycles through the Stanley Park, take the traditional pictures of totems in the Stanley Park

and downtown

With the weather being slightly overcast, we have the same feel as 20 years ago. There is just an atmosphere in this park, joggers, bikers everywhere, like in San Francisco. We spend some time in Grandville Island where we enjoyed shopping in the past. Later during the day, we go to see our first appartment, then second townhouse, then our third house (which does not exist anymore) and our final townhouse on Lynmoor Place. Downtown has changed a lot, but apart from that, we find our way fairly easily. Vancouver is still the beautiful city we have left ! We stop by the office of TheMIGroup in Richmond to say hi to Tyler and May. We then had supper with my former colleague and friend, Steve and his lovely spouse, Kitty !

Enough nostalgy ! On the Road Again on the ferry to Vancouver Island !

and we did not forget that you can eat an excellent clam chowder on the ferry !

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