Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Glacier National Park, Montana (July 2 to July 8, 2011)

After Yellowstone National Park, we rode north to Waterton-Glacier National Park. It took us two days to get there another 850 kilometers or so from Yellowstone. We stopped first in the western part of the Park and as the road crossing the park through Logan Pass (Going to the Sun Road) was closed, we then moved to the eastern park of Glacier National Park.

Every time we camped about 30 kilometers away from the park entrance and rested for an extra day. It's July 4th, the American National Day. The campground celebrates with fireworks and we are stunned by their length, approximately one hour and a half. It would put to shame our village, Saint-Lazare.

Coming back to the the park, it is jaw-dropping at times and we savor the scenery which was carved by glaciers.

Last picture above is a beargrass.

Our last night in the campground was busy. The wind started to blow and the wind gusts were so powerful that twice during the night, Alain had to get up to tie up the tent. The week-end is approaching and we are tired after our night, but we are On the Road Again to see our son, Thomas, in Calgary. Below is the map of our trip in the United States.

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