Wednesday, March 2, 2011

End of our trip in Chile (Feb 28 to March2, 2011)

We have spent the last three days visiting La Serena, Coquimbo

and Tongoy, a small village known as the capitol of the ''scallops'' (more exactly in French, les Coquilles Saint Jacques). Both La Serena and Coquimbo are balnear cities, not extraordinary with long beaches though. We very much enjoyed Tongoy where we lazily spent a couple of days on the beach. Time again to see beautiful sunsets

and enjoying, of course, the local food, the " ostiones con Parmesano'' or ''A la pil pil''. The bowl was so impressive that we decided to count the scallops and it was an amazing 36 score in every bowl !

We are now back in Santiago where we will be catching a plane tomorrow to Buenos Aires, Argentina ! On the Road Again....

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