Saturday, February 12, 2011

Frutillar, Puerto Varas and Puerto Montt, Chile (Feb2 & 3, 2011)

The road to Frutillar is nice, the scenery really pretty and the region of Puerto Octay looks a little bit like Austria. By chance, we found a hostal on the shore of the lake Llanquihue, with an incredible view on the snow-capped Osorno Volcano. As this is one of the city where Germans settled in Chile in the 1850's, we don't hesitate and eat some Kuchen !

The following day, we leave for Puerto Varas, then Ensanada and to close our visit, Petrohue. These villages must be fantastic when the sun is shining, which is not the case. We visit quickly the Parque Nacional Vicente Perez Rosales, the first Chilean Park (1926), with Laguna Verde and the Saltos Rio Petrohue

On February 3rd, it's raining cats and dogs. Our hostal in Puerto Varas this time is a little bit chilly and we decide to postpone our departure for the island of Chiloe to tomorrow. Instead, we take the time to visit Puerto Montt, 15 kms away from here. In the end, at around noon, the sun appears and we timidly get out of the car to visit the city on foot. We visit Angelmo, with its odors of fishes, seafood, with its noises and cars, located on the shore. Angelmo's specialities are seafood, fishes and local products such as cheese, honey...

We have also visited the cathedral and the Museum of Juan Pablo II. Jean-Paul II was the first pope to visit South America in 1987.

The following day, we are on the road again to the Isla de Chiloe...

1 comment:

Alex Quinn 82 said...

I agree ,a lot of Latin American cities do feel very European like you said. So glad you were able to make it to Puerto Montt ! I went to Chile about 4 years ago and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I took a Patagonia tour which allowed me to see everything! The highlight of the trip was see the penguins!