Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado (June 13-16, 2011)

We started running again. Chile and Argentina had not been good for our training, and today, no excuse... Wow ! Tough ! In Hawaii, we were running an hour almost every day and this time, we were just able to run about 35 minutes (and I had to stop a couple of times... it will be better tomorrow !)

Rocky Mountain National Park holds 72 named peaks above 12,000 feet of elevation. The first day we decided to ride the park from the southern east part on the Trail Ridge Scenic Road.

We discovered one scenery after the other. It's the middle of June and there is still a ton of snow at the top

 The elevation of the road is 12183 ft (3713 meters) at its highest point. We were told we need 2 hours to cross the park, but Alain and I took four hours to ride through the park and we didn't even reach the end. One interesting stop was the continental divide,

 which is the limit where rivers go to the Pacific and the others go to the Atlantic. At around 5 pm, we decided to turn back. This is the time when animals start going out and first,  we saw  mooses...

then elks.

The day was very windy, but nevertheless quite pleasant.

Today, we started our day by running, and no, it was not easier.. Everything hurts, but we feel good afterwards anyway. The plan is to run again tomorrow...

Our day in the park was great. We had prepared a picnic... and on our way to the picnic area, we were stopped on the road by Bighorn sheeps.

We had not seen any so far, so it was very pleasant.

We hiked a trail to a waterfall and while we were walking back, Alain turned around. To his astonishment, an elk was following us.

We were visibly in his way. Therefore, we moved to the side of the road and let him pass... He was hesitant, but in the end, he decided we were not dangerous...

...And on our way back to the camping, along the road, we had a few adult elks who were just taking it easy.

June 16 was spent taking our time and visiting Nederland. Nederland is a small village. By the way, the owner of the New Moon Bakery and Cafe, Monique, is great and the food is good!

One curiosity of thisvillage happens in March. See  Faces and Places section of our blog: The Story of the Frozen Dead Guy.

Tomorrow we are on the Road Again to...

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