Friday, May 20, 2011

Back in California, United States

We are On The Road Again... back in the United States. Our last images of Argentina will be people watching a soccer game in the street through the store windows

 and on our way to the airport, people honking at the toll booth, so that they get the attendants to lift us the gates, without paying...

The flight to Los Angeles was uneventful and we end up in the Holiday Inn in Anaheim. Happy to arrive at TheMIGroup and to find our motorcycles. Alain starts them up and they work immediately. Yeah ! After sorting out through our things one more time, sending one box to Montreal, we are ready. What a feel to be on the Road Again... Unfortunately, the weather is not as good as expected. We arrive close to Santa Barbara, camp and because of the weather, we leave the coast. We decide to head out to the Sequoia National Park instead. We are camping again first in a state Park, reasonably cheap but no showers... The sky is overcast and the temperature close to freezing. However, Sequoia National Forest is worth the visit. The trees are gigantic !

In Springville, we stop for fueling up the motorcycles. The temperature is really cold again and the day has been long and tiring and while looking at the map, wondering where we are going to camp that night, we hear : " Where are you heading to ? " . Half an hour later, Kate opened her door to us and two nights later, we were still enjoying her beautiful place, still talking about motorcycles (Harley for Kate, of course). Thank you Kate for your kindness, your eagerness to share all the good roads of the US, but above all your hospitality.

We visit in the end the Sequoia National Park and King's Canyon. We are so happy to be on The Road Again with our motorcycles. The roads are spectacular, winding just enough, not too much...

Yosemite is spectacular and we stay there for a couple of days. It's the good time of the year as many waterfalls are mighty, due to the snowmelting. Unfortunately,  a couple of roads are still closed.

We give up staying there another night, because the first day was fairly chilly, but most of all wet (we got water in the tent), and the second day, just plain out cold, freezing in the tent at night. We are too old for this...

Change of plan, we are on The Road Again...

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